Friday, October 17, 2008

Elmo Live toy now available in Manila

I was surprised that they really sell this now in the mainstream market, and I remembered years ago that we encounter some limited stocks of the version 1 and 2 of Elmo. And even in the USA they have this purchase limit, one toy per person only for every toy store visit. My mom and dad bought one for them years ago, and my mom got a problem getting one for me in the USA, because of the purchase limit per person. Now the new version of this talking doll, Elmo Live is now available for order in Toy Kingdom SM MOA at a price of Php5,000 thats around $106, and Toy Kingdom is now accepting orders since October 15th and the official distribution of the pre-ordered toys will be given on November 2.

They say that there are some stocks available for purchase, if you are interested , try to ask the store attendees.

What's the new feature of Elmo Live?
hmm, it can talk! it can wave it hands! it can tell stories.... wiggle.
sit down and stand up ( I think)

read the toy info from Fisher Price

In this truly life-like creation, for the first time ever, Elmo seems to actually be speaking as his mouth opens and closes just like the real muppet, Elmo, from Sesame Street. His mannerisms are right on target as his head moves back and forth as he speaks. He waves his arms, sits and stands, even crosses his legs all the while telling stories and jokes, singing songs and playing games. Children can activate the magic with a tickle or a squeeze of Elmo’s foot, tummy, back or nose. Approx. 12"H. Requires 6 AA batteries. visit the site here

check out below and a our video which we did a little demo on Elmo Live toy.
so cute!!!

Now I want this toy for Christmas 2008! wohohohoh This toy is a perfect gift item to kids and adults!

here are some photos and video



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