October 1945. Paris was liberated the previous August and the final German surrender in Europe took place in late April. 6 months later, a French fashion magazine asks, "Sommes-Nous Prêts?". "Are You Ready?" for the return of la Haute Couture Parisienne?
In the fall of 1945, fashion was just beginning to emerge from the strictures of the war. The best Parisian milliners produced some magical hats to celebrate the rebirth of beauty and couture. Descriptions have been translated from the French.
Left: Jane Blanchot green velvet hood with otter fur back and pom-poms.
Right: J.-Suzanne Talbot braided felt and velvet tall hat with jewels at the front crown.
Left: Eneley Soeurs brown velvet with beige feathers.
Right: Germaine Bouché velvet with ferns and birds.
Left: Gilbert Orcel velvet with tartan fabric and feathers.
Right: Agnès brown felt decorated with imagination.
Left: Blanche et Simone black felt and velvet.
Right: Le Monnier high shape decorated with chiffon.
Left: Simone Cange black velvet with knit tulle.
Right: Sygur velvet toque with tropical birds.
Left: Claude St-Cyr tobacco brown felt with cock feathers.
Right: Nelly Levasseur velvet with ostrich plumes.
Left: Janette Colombier black velvet with heavenly feather plumes.
Right: Rose Valois brown felt with feathers.
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