This was an online interview and I like to post it here and I might lost this article in my pc when time goes by. I like to share this and maybe you can get some tips in how I blog.
* How long have you been blogging?
I've been blogging for 5 years already, I started blogging in June 2003. and Azrael's Merryland ( ) is the first blog that I published.
* How did you get into blogging?
A friend comic artist, Ariel Atienza and Jaclyn Lim told me to try blogging and because that i love publishing stuff online like website, email newsletter for pop culture stuff. They taught me and showed me what is blogging and how to publish your own blog. for free!
* Which blogs do you manage, and what are they all about?
I manage many blogs, but I focus more on my main blog site, Azrael's Merryland (, this blog runs for personal stuff only and then it evolves into a news site into a pop culture news blog for everyone, I still discuss many personal items about me and the stuff I do, but all of it are content-friendly and entertaining. So I don't worry even that I post Out of topic stuff to my readers, but still they are amused and it get to know more about me.
2nd blog I managed is Transformers Philippines blog ( ) mainly about Transformers animation and toys, and also it is a main website for our group Transformers Philippines - First, premiere and original Transformers fan group in the Philippines.
3rd blog - The Philippine Toys, Hobbies and Collectibles Convention blog ( were I post updates about our convention and also about toy news and events.
4th blog is from my clients ^__^ won't post some details about it, because it has relation to one of my day job.
* Follow up: which is your main blog among those?
Azrael's Merryland, is my main blog site, because that I started with it from the beginning and I love the way it reflect more about me and the work I do.
* What's your day job?
I'm a webmaster for Glass House Graphics, Inc. an International Comic Art and Graphic Agency And Studio ( sometimes I do marketing and events for the company.
for other side jobs, I'm a freelance event organizer and also main organizer for the Philippine Toys, Hobbies and Collectibles Convention, we do that every year so for me, theres a routine already every year that I need to work on for events.
* Does your life revolve around blogging, or does blogging revolve around your life?
Both, my life revolve around blogging, because my life turned me into something different when I started blogging and it changes me into this (points to my face) and also blogging revolve around my life, because all of the contents in my blog are from me, my interest, my knowledge, and mainly my LIFE.
* What do you like doing when you're not blogging?
Go to malls, eat in restaurants or hunt for the biggest hamburger or pasta. Play Nintendo Wii at home, play with my pet cats, reading comic books, listening to music, play guitar, hobby photography, and think of crazy concept and ideas and try to materialize it into something cool.
* What's your PC or laptop of choice (for blogging) and why?
I'm using a laptop, Compaq Presario C500, Intel Celeron M (Az reads laptop label )
Its one of my good choice for using it for work and at home, I saw my friend, RG Guanzon, got the first early models of it years ago and I like its big screen, soft keypad, Altec Lansing speakers and speed. I like also the new models like with the duo core processor, but its pricey for me and can't afford. But I'm glad my loving parents gave money to me and told me to buy my own laptop, its a super gift last I got from them last year, right after I graduated college in F.E.U. ( I took BS MATH major in Com sci )
* Know any great places with free wi-fi where you can just hang out and blog?
Its a hobby for me now to check out wifi spots in malls and restaurants. and then I wrote some experience to it in my blog. The most comfortable wifi spot to me is in Starbucks, Podium, wow they got the speed!, and every Saturday morning from 8am-12nn, I stay there and surf the net while I wait my partner, Lace, to log out from work at 12nn. Starbucks in Podium is a great wifi spot. You can catch me there sometimes staying in the couch area up in the 2nd floor of the cafe. (they got electric plugs too! )
Also Kape Isla is a great venue for wifi, we did the Jelly in Manila meet up once and I like the ambiance of the place.
* Other than your own, which blogs do you usually check out?
I check out blogs of my friends, and my vast network in (that includes you Renzie! )
I have a big list here and I visit them everyday, there's a widget in my igoogle and I receive their RSS feed updates. Most of the blogs I read are,,,,, and many more.
most of the blogs I visit are more on the stuff I do for work and hobby, comics, animation, toys, tech, gadgets, and showbiz stuff hehhehe.
* What is/are your favorite social networking site/s? is the best! Then I'm into and I concentrate more to it, because I just found a way that it gives benefit to me whenever I promote an event that I organize and its easy to invite people to come. Same goes to great site to promote my upcoming event 7th Philippine Toy Convention for June 14-15, 2008 in Megamall.
I still use, but its already like an old book that already stored in my shelf.
* What is/are your favorite social bookmarking sites?
I don't use social bookmarking sites. But I try to make my own, like using the Link post in I use that tool for bookmarking a site and share it to all. I have Stumble, but haven't got an idea how that thing works hehhe.
* For you, what is/are the most effective way/s to drive traffic into your blog?
To drive traffic and get lots of readership for your blog, first start sharing your blog to your friends, family and classmates. Then publish a content that interests you, write what you love and don't force yourself writing content that gives you an uncomfortable mood. Visit other blogs, and make friends with the bloggers, publish content that will make them visit again, create your own buzz and identity from your blog, that way you can label a certain blog genre and meet readers/bloggers that have the same interest and content with you.
well, this is only what I observed when I did this when I started blogging and for me its effective
* What effective link-building tactic worked best for you and your blogs?
social networking sites is a great link building tactic, all of the people in socio-networking sites are spending a lot of time on the net, and it means that the traffic and target readers are in there. Go and join, then promote it there.
* What is your favorite blog widget?
the News feed widget, I used it one time and it display some news that I want to be posted in my sidebar, it looks good for your blog to see related news that is under your interest.
* What is your favored way to monetize your blog?
My way is that I use google adsense to monetize my blog, at first I thought that it wasn't effective but when my blog gain readership and traffic, I notice that my adsense earnings is firing up everyday. There are others like links advertisements, and banner ads, for me they work and easy to use, sometimes I get paid by making reviews and post their press releases in my blog, they are from clients who contacted me directly to publish it for them.
* What advice can you give to a newbie blogger who's just starting out?
For a newbie blogger, before you start blogging, you should think first if you have the guts and the responsibility to write and post a content that will be visible to hundreds of readers, if you are ready for that then you can now publish one. Some newbies are too shy in writing, especially to those who will reveal their selves in blog as the author. It happens only at the start, but when you gain readership be prepared for comments, reviews and critics from your readers, you will learn more about blogging from other blogs and bloggers too, just continue reading books, magazines, newspaper and blogs. It will give you ideas on how to write a blog post and have your own content, and warning - blogging is habit forming
* What's the best blogging habit you can share with fellow bloggers?
Video blogging!
Thats a new content for your blogs, readers will be entertained or learn something when they see a blog post in video form. They can see the blogger talking to their readers in video and it will give you great interaction with fellow bloggers and readers
* Do you think this country needs more bloggers? Why so?
If a blog is all about Batibot. Then we need more bloggers for our country.
I haven't seen a blog about Batibot, about Pong Pagong and kiko Matsing. But I will be happy if I saw a blogger creates a blog dedicated to people who grew up with Batibot. Well its an idea but I really like to see blogs that has all Pinoy material in their post.
many thanks and credits to Mr. Renzit Baluyot for the 20 Q's
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