A total of 800 Volkswagen cars were launched to have world's largest parade last Sunday in QC circle and it was a big success that the group VWCP or Volkswagen club of the Philippines and participant made the first record to have the largest parade of all kinds of Volkswagen cars in one day. Congratulations to all participant.
photos and full story located below after the jump
I was there at 8am and I got lost inside the QC circle park, but after doing some walkathon around the area, I just saw how nice and beautiful the venue, lots of people are in there doing some aerobics, badminton, wushu, dance and family doing a morning picnic. After crossing the under pass, I just noticed that this is the most neat and clean underpass I ever crossed in my life. Well most people do cross here to reach the QC city hall were the venue of the parade of VW cars and their home assembly.
I saw the organizers did well on this event, supported by the local government of Quezon City and the VWCP together with their sponsors. It was a smooth activity and I enjoy it, I don't have any knowledge about car models or types, but after going to this event as a spectator and photographer for this blog, I learned a lot of types of VW and as well the oldest and the rarest model of all. At the QC hallway, there's this VW bazaar, people from different places went there and made a on the spot selling of items from VW car gears, accessories, metal plating, emblems, electronic switches, knobs, wheels, all for sale and a good bazaar if you plan to restore an old vintage VW cars, also there are souvenir booths were you ca purchase some toys, t-shirt and other items that has a brand of VW, perfect memorabilia for the event.
Also there is a toy VW cars on display at the area, miniatures to die cast car collectibles were displayed on a glass case and also a photo history of Pinoy's work in the VW car featuring the old vintage Sakbayan, the first pinoy car. There are sponsors booth like the Castrol booth, people had fun taking photos with their attractive Castrol booth babes, there's a San mig booth, food booths, Timex booth were there's this game and you guess how many watch stored in a jar, and also the VWCP booth.
The parade started early, thus making it to end early because the organizers are concerned on the massive heat of the sun at mid day of 12nn so the parade ended before 12nn and everyone were happy to set the record for the largest parade in the world. As Mr. Doy Bondoc said that this activity started from a plain concept were he think more about it during his bed time, then he coordinated it with this group and together with the event organizer to materialize and make this world record set a dream come true. As Mr. Bondoc added that this VW parade will have a big following with other parts of the world.
I went home smiling and feel proud that the Pinoy made it to the books, even though that I got sun burned. these photos I took will proved that we got the first to have it and true camaraderie and cooperation still exist in our pinoy bloods.
more photos at
Bazaar, exhibit, display @ Philippines World Record for the Largest Parade of VOLKSWAGEN Cars
Volkswagen car assembly at the parking lot @ Philippines World Record for the Largest Parade of VOLKSWAGEN Cars
people @ Philippines World Record for the Largest Parade of VOLKSWAGEN Cars
cars and street @ Philippines World Record for the Largest Parade of VOLKSWAGEN Cars
related news and links :
I Am A World Record Holder
TV news video coverage
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