Its my Speed Racer movie blog post and the reason I post this because me and Lace went to a movie day out and watched the live action movie Speed Racer, yay!!
below are my reviews, comments, photos and mp3 soundtrack of the movie after the racer jump
you can download the movie music theme Speed Racer here, I just downloaded it in the official website after hearing it last week and super enjoy the version of the movie theme.
Download it here
but you can get lots of Speed Racer goodies at the official website
Been waiting for this, although I kinda love the Wachowski Brothers in the Matrix Trilogy so in Speed Racer movie I'm expecting lots of wire fu and bullet time shots. But heck not!, no Neo this time, but there is Speed Racer and his Mach 5 car. Cars are jumping, armed with hi tech weaponry, high speed car chase, the so impossible multi 360 degrees shots of whatever it is called in the race track, The Wachowski really over hyped the effects of the movie and make it a REAL live action movie based on the classic animated tv series. Which really points out that this movie comes from the animation, so expect lots of colors, rainbow effects and super colorful CGI effects on the movie, more better if you can watch it in IMAX because the effects is more colorful and the screen if bigger!.
The movie for me is great, but there will be a problem for those who are not comfortable on how they deliver the story, if you think of the animation, you will understand why they edited it in a very comic style way, there are a lot of flash backs and some backside storyline on some scenes, so don't get confuse when you watch it. Remember that the movie is from an animated series and it is directed by the Wachowski Brothers so expect the same editing and directing if you are familiar with their other movies.
The movie
After a few hours I can see that Emile Hirsch is Speed Racer ,and after a while I began to be hooked on the movie after a few intros and side story why Speed is into car racing. Also great to hear that racing is like a ART, and after analyzing that concept I can agree that racing is like a martial arts were you build your own style in fighting and defense during a match, same goes to playing video games, its like having your own combo fighting style while you kill all those big bosses. I just finally understand why people are so crazy about cars and racing. I'm not a big fan of racing and cars, but after seeing the movie I finally learned something important in the world of racing and that is winning the game!
the Mach 6
So Cool ! Didn't know that Speed Racer will upgrade into Mach 6 car, so cool. The racing scenes reminds of the video game F-Zer0 in Super NES, and I was blown away by the speed of the race, even thought that I'm having problems pin pointing on what's happening on the race, but seeing the Mach 5 and 6 in action is a great classic. I think they should call the jumping car gimik as a Speed Jump Racer, it is the most trusted features of the cars and it saves Speed a lot of luck in using that, too bad we didn't see the homing robot in the movie, but maybe in the DVD there will be an added scene were Speed uses all of the great tricks of his upgraded Mach 5.
for the Mach 6, It resemble of that anime show that involves high tech car racing.
more photos of our movie out here Speed Racer movie day out
The toys
near the cinema, there is a display boothof lots of merchandise of Speed Racer items, Hot Wheels toy cars are for sale and just saw this Speed Racer and Mach 5 car and I was thinking of getting one soon hahahaha, but its too pricey and will get the mini Mach 5 car only.
Also don't forget that there is a LEGO toy of Speed Racer
The Speed Racer gimik
The cinema pulled off a gimik were you can play car racing video game and i think its a tie up with Quantum video arcade.
The Speed Racer movie is twisted and fun! you will enjoy the whole 2 1/2 hour show and expect lots of revelation on the end. No added scenes after the end credits but during the credits you'll see a funny monkey ahahahahaha.
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