I woke early in the morning, and I was disturbed by the noise of a group of frogs nearby, it was raining hard last night and it seems that the vacant lot are now being the breeding ground for bull frogs, then when I was about to eat my breakfast, I saw my pet cats sleeping and crouching outside, then my pet cat Puteh, suddenly grabbed a stray bird nearby and she run through the grassy lot of the house, I went out screaming, calling her name and after catching my cat, I saw the poor bird in its mouth, then when Puteh releases the bird, it fell in the ground and then my other pet cat Puting grabbed it, I chased the kitten infront of the gate and then I retrieve a poor black bird with cutesy eye lashes and fan-like tail, I place it first in the cage together with the lovebirds, while I search for a new cage for the poor bird, then suddenly I observed that the bird is weak and unable to fly, so I decided to keep it and feed it, and will release it till the wounds is healed.
I don't see any wound in any of its body, but some some little blood on its feather. Then after placing it in the cafe and hang it in our garden, my pet cats seems to stalk the bird even it is inside the cage, funny to watch them staring upwards to the cage and attempting to jump and grab the bird.
the bird is lucky and now in perfect condition, I researched on the net on what kind of bird is this, then I found out that it is a White-throated Fantail. ohhh fantail, so that why it explains its fancy fan like tail, it spreads whenever the bird moves and it chirps with a loud sound. I checked it if it is endangered, but I'm glad that it is not, the bird is rarely seen in Australia and also in the South East Asia, breeding season is on February to May, and I guess its their hatching season and also breeding season here, thats why I hear most of their chirps everyday.
the fantail bird looks like a youngling, that tried to fly and fell from the nest in our Mango tree.
now the fantail bird is sleeping in the cage, and its cute to look at it, because it tucks its head while sleeping and standing on the wooden stick.
will check out the bird tomorrow and maybe give a name...any suggestion ? shall I call it birdie?
more photos of the bird and my pets below after the link
more photos here at Birds and Cats
White-throated Fantail
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