Saturday, January 29, 2011

Kose Cosmeport Softymo Q10 Powder Wash

Hello Readers!
I have a fascination with products that come in a different state of matter than they usually are sold. What do I mean by that? Astronaut ice cream, dry shampoos and cake mascara are all great examples of altered oddities, things that you can't easily find but I'm obsessed with none the less. 
Today I want to talk about powdered face wash! My first encounter with powder face happened in the summer of 2007, when I was visiting family in China. I don't remember the brand that I used (or price, or even how effective it was. Heck, I'm not too sure why I'm bringing this up, but luckily I write this blog so I get to drop all the weird anecdotes I want!) but I was enthralled by the dry white powder sudsing up. 
Fast foward to November, 2010 when I was making a Sasa order and saw that Kose made a powder wash. All sorts of bells and lights went off in my head and I eagerly added it to my cart. It was $10.20 for 75g of product. When the order got here, I have no shame in saying that as I tore into my package, this was the first goody that I tried. 
It comes packaged in a bottle with an attached cap that lets you shake out as much as you want into your hand. The powder is very finely milled and has this faint...fishy? sour? meaty? (I can't really tell) odor. However, once I added water to it, I couldn't discern any scent from the sudsy mix at all.

Kose Powder Wash dissolves instantly and lathers quite nicely, a small sprinkling of the powder (shown in the pictures) is enough to wash my entire face. It rinses off easily however, it feels really soapy to me like I just scrubbed my face with a bar of Dial soap.
My face feels nice and clean, though maybe a tad bit dry. On the plus side, this cleanser doesn't break me out but I just don't like the results as much as I like other face washes. I didn't set this wash aside and forget about it though! I bring it with me all the time when I travel. It's lightweight compared to my liquid cleansers and I don't have to worry about TSA restrictions since it's a dry powder (I do worry that they'll think a powdery substance is suspicious and that I'll get tackled at the boarding gate because they think I'm smuggling cocaine...).

So what do you think about powder washes? Have you ever tried any?

Product featured was purchased by me, for my own use.

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